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Rev. Gregory Tyler II


I was raised in a Christian household. My parents ensured that I was acquainted with the teachings of Christ and the church during my childhood. Subsequently, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at an early age. I was highly active in church from that point forward.


At the age of 26, I accepted a divine call to the Pastoral, Preaching, and Teaching Gospel ministry based on Acts 10:42-43. This is where I started on a proactive path toward Christian leadership training, Pastoral care training, Doctrinal education, and the preaching of the Gospel message.


I have been steadfast in the faith ever since this start. Under the supervision and charge of Pastor Gregory Tyler Sr and O.D. Tyler I have grown tremendously in faith and practice. Subsequently, my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and His righteousness.


Since January 2021, I have been serving as the Senior Pastor of the Mt. Bethel Baptist Church in the Ola Community of McDonough Ga. 


Empowering God's People Through the Word

As believers, we are all called to always be ready to give a reason as to the hope that we have. (1 Peter3:15) Thus, as one called to specific office in the body, the charge to equip the saints is of utmost importance. (Eph. 4:12-13) The overarching goal of ministry is found in Matthew 28:19-20, which indicates that God desires that people live lives indicative of his presence, leadership, and an unequivocal faith in Him.


Effective ministry develops mature Christians able to withstand, endure, triumph, and ultimately represent the embodiment of God’s will for humanity. Apart from the Word of God, this is not possible. Therefore, study and practice of the sacred scripture is necessary for proper nourishment and growth. (John 1:1-4; 2 Tim. 2:15) It is after such steadfastness that we are able to truly appreciate the byproduct of God’s grace toward us. (3 John 1:2)

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